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C\Users\Your username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\ To locate the list of backups manually use the Windows Start Menu’s Search box Here are the steps Step 1 In Windows 7 open the Start menu Above the Start button you’ll find the Search bar Step 2 Click in the Search bar and type %appdata% and hit Enter/Return Step 3.

Appdata roaming apple computer. 先删除C\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer里的 MobileSync文件夹(首次安装iTunes没有,要先运行一下iTunes); 在你想存放iTunes备份的分区(如D盘)新建一个文件夹,命名为“MobileSync”(你想换成其它名字也可以,不过第 4 步命令里就要修改成相应的文件夹名称).  · In the Search bar, enter %appdata% If you don’t see your backups, enter %USERPROFILE% Press Return Doubleclick these folders "Apple" or "Apple Computer" > MobileSync > Backup. Voer in de zoekbalk '%appdata%' in Als u uw reservekopieën niet ziet, voert u% USERPROFILE% in Druk op Return Klik dubbel op deze mappen 'Apple' of 'Apple Computer'.

On your computer running Windows 7 and Windows Vista you can locate the backup at the following path C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\ On your Windows XP machine, the backup would be at C\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup Alternatevely,. 因为iTunes备份文件(C\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup)数据过大,导致C盘崩溃。 我的电脑是win7 64位系统。 求教.  · De snelste manier om AppData in Windows 10 te bereiken is door op het vergrootglas (of zoekbalk) linksonder te klikken en %appdata% te typen Als je op het resultaat klikt, opent de Verkenner automatisch C\Gebruikers\ Gebruikersnaam\AppData\Roaming Waarom \Roaming, hoor ik je vragen?.

Voor Windows 10 C \ Gebruikers \ (gebruikersnaam) \ AppData \ Roaming \ Apple Computer \ MobileSync \ Backup \ (De "C" betekent het systeemstation van uw computer) U kunt een willekeurige map openen en het pad hierboven invoeren in de adresbalk en vervolgens op de Entertoets tikken om snel toegang te krijgen tot het doelpad.  · SSDを入れ替えてインストールして手動でバックアップしてitunesのバックアップ先(C\Users\ユーザー名\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\)を見ると、Apple Computer以降のフォルダがないのですが、どうなってるのでしょう? Windows10のiTunesマイクロソフトアプリ https//wwwcopytrans. 1、将C\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup 文件夹移动到自己准备存储的位置。(如果文件夹中有需要的备份可以一起移动过去,修改路径后还是能识别到的)。比如我移动到了E\Apple Backup\Backup。 二、建立软连接。.

默认情况下iTunes备份文件是放在C盘的,如何更改iTunes的备份使它放在其它驱动器上呢? 1 按照路径C\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer打开,路径中你的用户名是你自己电脑的用户名,找到MobileSync文件夹,将其删除。2 在E盘新建一个文件夹,此文件夹根据情况由自己确定创建,本人命名为. 然后可以看到在C\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer下面有一个叫做“MobileSync”的文件夹,其左下有一个箭头。 你就成功了。 注意:最开始我看到网上教程说成功之后就是一个箭头,我简单地认为了这只是一个快捷方式,我建立了一个快捷方式,但是没用。. The IPSW file location is as follows IPSW file location for Windows 10/8/7 Computers The exact IPSW file location depends on the username, Windows version, and the iDevice user’s iOS hardware For instance, here is the location pertaining to user “username” via an iPhone.

 · By default, the AppData folder is hidden in Windows Explorer You can go there by opening Windows Explorer and then in the URL box type the link but substitute your username in the "(username)" C\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\ For example your username is Morgan, you would type.  · However, my C drive is still pretty full so i performed a search on my C drive and it gave me a list of gigantic files, of which, 64 out of 69 items (accounting for 179GB) are "C\\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\" types of files Two of them are each of a size 2GB of iPhone Software Updates files. C\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup Obviously if your main drive is not C then you’ll have to change that, same goes for ‘user’ Note to Windows users the Application Data and AppData directories and their contents (iPhone backups included) are considered ‘hidden’ so you will need to enable ‘Show hidden files’ within Windows Explorer.

 · On Windows 8, users can click the search icon on the top right and search with %appdata% to open Roaming folder On Windows 10, simply click the Search bar which is located right next to the Start menu On Windows Vista, the file is stored in \Users\ (username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\. Para ver uma lista dos backups, acesse \Usuários\(nome de usuário)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\ Você também pode seguir estas etapas Acesse a barra de busca Windows 7 clique em Iniciar Windows 8 clique na lupa no canto superior direito Windows 10 clique na barra de busca ao lado do botão Iniciar. C\Users\AppData\Roaming\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter\MobileDevice<your iPhone’s name>\ Once you’ve located the correct file or files, please send them back to us General app help.

First, make sure iTunes isn't running Now, move the C\Users\ (yourname)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\ folder to your preferred location.  · Open your AppData folder and you’ll see Local, LocalLow, and Roaming folders Let’s start with Roaming The Roaming folder contains data that would “roam” with a user account from computer to computer if your PC was connected to a domain with a roaming profile This is often used for important settings. 5) In Windows Explorer, navigate to "C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync" and rename the folder ""C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSyncxxx" or something so it still exists but iTunes won't point to it (Be sure you do not have iTunes running!) Do NOT rename your whole roaming profile!.

0613 · AppData is a folder in your Windows user account home folder, and Roaming is a folder within that AppData\Roaming is where programs on your machine store data that is specific to your user account The folder is normally hidden, and lives within your user account home folder As an example, on one of my machines the full path would be. Windows Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Logs\CrashReporter\MobileDevice\ Notes is the user’s login name for the computer is the name of the iOS device, for example, “Peter&'s iPhone” On Windows the 'AppData' directory is a hidden by default. On Windows 7 and Windows 10 C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\ and rename the existing Bakcup folder to something else, probably, “Backupold” and then press Shift key on your Keyboard and right click on the MobileSync folder >> and then click “ Open Command window here ” for Windows 7 and “ Open PowerShell.

 · C\Users\< username >\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Logs\CrashReporter\** Is it also possible to remove all the files except for the most recent file (similar to the CCleaner keep most recent System Restore function) in C\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates\.  · For Win 7 (Make Sure You can SEE ALL HIDDEN Folders from the Menu Bar and TOOLs Thats the ONLY way to see AppData folder) C\Users\( The name of the main profile)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates Example If It's Joe PC C\Users\Joe\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates. Sobald Sie sich im Ordner "Appdata" befinden, doppelklicken Sie auf den Ordner "Apple" und dann auf "Apple Computer" und "MobileSync" und gehen Sie schließlich zum Ordner "Backup" Dort finden Sie alle Ihre iTunesBackups Anmerkung Wenn Sie den Sicherungsordner nicht finden können, kann dies daran liegen, dass der Ordner AppData versteckt ist.

 · When you say that "AppData/roaming/apple computer/MobileSync/backup?", have you installed any apple software in Windows 10?. In the run box, type %appdata% (with the percents) and press return/enter A file browser window will open to the Application Data folder (or Roaming inside of Application Data) From there, navigate to Apple Computer (creating if needed) > MobileSync (creating if needed), and then create the Backup folder again.  · C\Users\ユーザー名\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computerにアクセスする Mobile Sync という名前のフォルダを削除する ※ユーザー名は、windowsにログインし使用しているユーザー名です 2 新規バックアップフォルダの作成(d\itunes) 3 コマンドプロンプトを起動 windowsキーRで、ポップアップした画面にcmdと入力し、エンターキーを押す 4 コマンドプロンプトが.

I suggest you to uninstall any apple related software installed on the computer and check if there is any backup stored due to the application Please get back to us with an update on Windows 10, we will be happy to help. Sous Windows 10, 8, 7 ou Vista, ce sera un chemin d'accès tel que \Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup Avec Windows XP, similaire à \Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup. 1、将C\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup 文件夹移动到自己准备存储的位置。(如果文件夹中有需要的备份可以一起移动过去,修改路径后还是能识别到的)。比如我移动到了E\Apple Backup\Backup。 二、建立软连接。.

 · Location on Windows 7 & Vista C\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPod Software Updates Location on Windows XP Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates You’ll now see iPhone/iPod/iPad Software Updates file with a ipsw extension, if present. The Roaming folder is used to store data that will be synced across multiple Windows systems This is often used for storing settings like bookmarks, saved passwords, and so on How to View the AppData Folder There are two ways you can access the AppData folder You can either access it manually or by using the "AppData" variable name. 백업 목록을 찾으려면 \Users\(사용자 이름)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\으로 이동합니다 다음과 같은 단계를 사용할 수도 있습니다 다음과 같이 검색.

When you made an iTunes backup on your computer, and you will want to preview those files or export them to iPhoto Or you need restore your important contact and sms from the iTunes backup Here is the guide on how to preview and restore from iPhone backup on Mac OS X or Windows OS Download Fone Rescue, and run it.  · C\Users\(사용자이름)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup 애플에게 묻고싶네요 대체 왜 이런 바보같은 백업 시스템을 만든거냐고요 대체 왜!!!!. C\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates Mac系统: useer/资源库/itunes 大家注意把上面的用户名换成你电脑的名字,然后按照我上面的方法一步步找。 二、win7系统寻找固件位置详细步骤 1、由于版本位置.

 · We use roaming because the %appdata% environment variable doesn’t actually point to the exact AppData folder Instead, it points to the roaming folder inside the AppData which consists of the bulk of all application data Whenever a new profile is created, a new AppData folder is created on your computer.  · as a general rule, AppData shouldn't be that huge mine for example is 4gig so I'm wondering if maybe you have Apple devices that are getting backed up to C\Users\Pauleduc\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync. E adesso vediamo questo articolo su Windows 10 e la cartella Roaming Ipotizziamo che state utilizzando Windows 10 per il semplice motivo che nelle altre versione era semplice trovarne l’ubicazione Ossia bastava andare nella cartella Appdata e di li trovavate la cartella Roaming O in alcune versioni si trovava AppRoaming.

For example, if Windows 10 is installed on C drive, your PC username is Matt, then you can find it from C\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync Please note that there is a subfolder called ‘iTunes’ below the ‘Apple Computer’, make sure to choose ‘MobileSync’ other than ‘iTunes’ from there.  · AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer;AppDate\Roaming\Mozila It shouldn’t include %% Thanks This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question.

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